Vanilla Custard - USA Vape Lab (Grimm Creations) E-Juice
USA Vape Lab has blown away the vaping Community with their truly mouthwatering e-juice flavor concoctions. Meticulously crafted for exceptional balance, intensity, and richness, the USA Vape Lab line of premium e-juices delivers layer after layer of decadent taste that you are sure to love.
By the makers of Naked 100, Vanilla Custard E-Juice is one of USA Vape Lab's most delicious, and indeed, most popular offerings. This marvelous liquid represents a smooth, rich, and creamy vanilla custard, reminiscent of a dessert found at fine-dining establishments. Extraordinarily scrumptious and savory, this masterpiece is one that you won’t be able to put down.
Fill your tank effortlessly with the wildly popular Vapor Authority Stainless Steel Vape Flask!